Omens Associated With Animals

If we want to draw any validity of the omens & meaning from meeting with animals, we should at least ask ourselves whether the particular animal/creature in question is fairly uncommon in the locality where it is encountered. To regard as being of supernatural significance a meeting that was almost bound to take place is an entirely meaningless superstition.


· To encounter an ass or donkey is an unfortunate omen, especially if it is coming from the opposite direction


· To hear a bat squeaking or crying as it flies presages bad luck


· A bat cat brings good luck though some do not believe that.

· To kill a cat presages the greatest ill luck ( amongst the Egyptians, it was a crime, punishable by death) while to tread upon its tail is also regarded by the supersitituous as unfortunate.

· If a cat unaccountably abandons the house in which it lives, some disaster to the occupants is threatened.


· If a dog bays at the moon or howls outside a house, a death is foreshadowed in the neighbourhood.

· In Eastern folk-lore, a black dog is often regarded as a manifestation of the devil and classical students will remember the passage of Horace in which he states that the sight of a black dog and its puppies was an evil omen among the ancients.

· To kill a dog is considered by some people to be almost as unlucky as to kill a cat.


· A fortunate omen, signifying prosperity and gain


· Generally considered to be of evil portent and at one time there was a belief that the bodies of hares were inhabited by witches.

· For a hare to cross one’s path means disappointment and disaster.

· If it is seen running past a house, precautions should be taken against fire

· In several parts of the world belief in the evil brought by hares is so strong that persons embarking on a important project/errand would cease doing it upon seeing the hare as they believe that if they continue their project will ultimately be end in failure


· Good omen.

· To overtake a hedgehog is lucky while to meet one going in the opposite direction is more fortunate


· If a pair of lovers encounter a white horse, they make take it as an augury of future happiness


· To meet with a solitary lamb promises peace, happiness and love


· To be presented with a white mouse is an augury of success and happiness in love unless the donor is aware of the significance of his gift

· A brown or reddish-colored mouse is also propitious but the gift of a grey mouse brings evil and risk of danger


· An unfortunate omen, denoting financial losses and treacherous business partners


· A casual meeting with an ox upon the road brings with it a promise of prosperity and monetary gain.


· A pig is very unlucky and to meet one means serious worry.

· If a wedding party returning from church encounters a stray pig, an unhappy married life for the bride and bridgegroom is threatened.


· A white rat is auspicious but a black rat has most unfortunate significance.

· If you find your personal effects have been gnawed by rats, postpone any business which you may have been contemplating.


· To encounter unexpectedly a flock of sheep is a lucky sign especially if the sheep are coming towards you.


· Meeting a squirrel betokens approaching happiness

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